Taking care of our mind to take care of our quality of life

The experiences of the present, in addition to the profound changes that new technologies imply, have accentuated the need and the importance of attending to our Mental and Emotional Health. This implies giving space and place to what we feel, what we think, what we expect and what we want, in a balanced way, combining it with reality and the circumstances that we have to live.

The post-pandemic readjustment, the adaptation to constant uncertainties, the focus on consumerism, the time submerged in digital social networks, the alarming news, the over-demanding online employment modalities, questioned love, the society of fatigue or emptiness, they promote immediacy, superficiality, banality and exaggerated positivism or pessimism, taking away depth and responsibility from what it means to live and build a good quality of life. Consequently, the risks of physical, mental and social illness are accentuated.

It is urgent to become aware, be it in families, schools, companies, institutions and the media, to attend to the mental and emotional health of the members of society. Such an action that implies educating, guiding, caring and providing attractive and creative models, to take care of mental health, the ability to think sensibly, as a requirement to build and care for our quality of life.

Activities and proposals that stimulate attending to emotions: knowing how to observe them, listen to them, recognize them, nominate them, regulate them, manage them and communicate them. Identify how they affect our behaviors, learning, decisions, performance and work performance, our productivity and economy. Admit that we are essentially mind and emotions, that we start from them to be and exist, to aspire and progress, so that we have a life with meaning, projects, illusions and that it is well worth living. It is then time for all of us to strive to build quality of life, to develop the healthy society that we deserve.


This subject dealt with by our consultant Auxi Scarano is part of the research, areas of competence and training courses offered by Asesórate.