Because? And for what?

When we talk about Quality of Life, we refer to the essence of our life itself. How do we live and how do we want to do it?

The COVID19 pandemic and its consequences, the growing armed conflicts, the migratory waves, climate change, the energy crisis, macroeconomic imbalances, among other aspects, have undoubtedly generated an impact on the Quality of Life and on Society. What can and should be done?

At the same time, it is worth reflecting on the importance of the Quality of Life of each one of us, for the organizations in which we work. Do they benefit from it?

To address the issue we have brought together recognized specialists in Social Sciences, Law, Health and Education  in an event that will provide participants with an integrating and practical vision of a fundamental aspect for the development of the individual, organizations and society.

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Do not miss the opportunity of this experience!

October, 5 - 2022

Hour: Spain 5:00 p.m. / Venezuela  11:00 am

Via Zoom



Learn more about the event


  • Quality of Life and its importance for society and organizational development.


  • What behaviors do we assume when promoting Quality and Healthy Lifestyles?


  • Quality of Life and Mental Health.


  • Quality of Life and Human Rights.


  • Quality of Life and Education: Conversation in three voices.



Esp. MONY DE LOURDES VIDAL, Manager of Innovation and Development of Asesórate, Associated Consultants.



Doctor and Post Doctor in Social Sciences. anthropologist. Social scientist and academic-administrative manager with extensive professional experience. Professor of Pre and Postgraduate, researcher, with more than 30 years of service, at the Central University of Venezuela. Currently, she is the CEO of Asesórate Consultores Asociados and leads the Quality of Life research team. Research areas: Anthropology, Sociology, Public and Social Policies in Health, Quality of Life and Strategic Management with a gender perspective. He has more than 50 publications in refereed and indexed journals and books.

PhD in Research and Development Management. Specialist in Public Health Administration. Researcher accredited to the Innovation and Research Stimulus Program (PEII-ONCTI). Retired Full Professor of the School of Public Health of the Central University of Venezuela, UCV, and active member of the Research Promotion and Development Unit of the Postgraduate Studies Coordination of the Faculty of Medicine of the aforementioned university. She is a tutor for Degree Projects and Doctoral Theses. Advisor in Research Methodology. He is currently part of the team of researchers at Asesórate, Consultores Asociados. Research areas: Health, Research and Development Management.

Josefa Orfila
Josefa Orfila

PhD in Research and Development Management. Specialist in Public Health Administration. Researcher accredited to the Innovation and Research Stimulus Program (PEII-ONCTI). Retired Full Professor of the School of Public Health of the Central University of Venezuela, UCV, and active member of the Research Promotion and Development Unit of the Postgraduate Studies Coordination of the Faculty of Medicine of the aforementioned university. She is a tutor for Degree Projects and Doctoral Theses. Advisor in Research Methodology. He is currently part of the team of researchers at Asesórate, Consultores Asociados. Research areas: Health, Research and Development Management.


Industrial Psychologist, Family Specialist and Clinical Psychologist. Graduated from the Central University of Venezuela and the University Hospital of Caracas. Asovep psychoanalyst and member of IPA, FEPAL and AVEPSI. Head of the Education Department of the La Trinidad Teaching Medical Center between 2018-2020. Member of the PPP Advisory Council on Health Education of the Simón Bolívar University. Currently, he offers private consultation and organizational advisory services. He is also a member of the team of researchers at Asesórate, Consultores Asociados.

Magister in Constitutional Law. Doctoral student in Social Sciences (Public Policies, Electoral Systems and Processes). Professor in Constitutional Law and Specialist in Human Rights at the Central University of Venezuela. Coordinator of the Specialization in Government and Politics of the aforementioned university. CEO of the Ferrer & Esté Consultores Desk. He is part of the team of researchers at Asesórate, Associate Consultants.


Magister in Constitutional Law. Doctoral student in Social Sciences (Public Policies, Electoral Systems and Processes). Professor in Constitutional Law and Specialist in Human Rights at the Central University of Venezuela. Coordinator of the Specialization in Government and Politics of the aforementioned university. CEO of the Ferrer & Esté Consultores Desk. He is part of the team of researchers at Asesórate, Associate Consultants.


Master in Education. Mention, Information and Communication Technologies. Doctoral student in Education. Bachelor of Education. University professor of pre and postgraduate. He has to his credit school textbooks in Physics and Mathematics, as well as publications in magazines and books in the areas of teaching, virtual training scenarios; science, technology and culture; theory and practice of virtual learning communities, among others. Currently, she is the Academic Manager of Asesórate Consultores Asociados and is part of its team of researchers. Research areas: new technologies in education, social networks as communication tools to transform education, design and implementation of teacher training programs, among other topics.

PhD in Education from the University of Arkansas, specialist in Educational Technology and Distance Education. Professor at the Central University of Venezuela and the Andrés Bello Catholic University. He coordinates the research lines of Theory and practice of the virtual learning communities of the Doctorate in Education, UCV. Advises and collaborates in higher education institutions in Latin America. Editor and co-author of Social networks: communication and education; New teaching environments. Ibero-American perspectives on educational technology; Theory and practice of virtual learning communities; Communication and Learning in cyberspace. Virtual Communities. He is part of the Asesórate team of consultants.


PhD in Education from the University of Arkansas, specialist in Educational Technology and Distance Education. Professor at the Central University of Venezuela and the Andrés Bello Catholic University. He coordinates the research lines of Theory and practice of the virtual learning communities of the Doctorate in Education, UCV. Advises and collaborates in higher education institutions in Latin America. Editor and co-author of Social networks: communication and education; New teaching environments. Ibero-American perspectives on educational technology; Theory and practice of virtual learning communities; Communication and Learning in cyberspace. Virtual Communities. He is part of the Asesórate team of consultants.


PhD in Educational Technology from the University of Montreal. Post Doctorate in Education at the Central University of Venezuela. Consultant and author in Educational Technology and Curriculum, Full Professor (R) of the UCV. With performance in postgraduate teaching in several Latin American countries and with experience in the Coordination of Postgraduate and Research in Communication and Information Technologies in Education, Educational Technology, Curriculum in Higher Education, Evaluation and Management of Education in Hybrid, Virtual Environments and Projects Cultural. Join the Asesórate team.

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