
February 19, 2024 to April 19, 2024


97 hours Synchronous - Asynchronous





Welcome to the Diploma
“Contemporary Challenges for Quality of Life”

Duration: February 19, 2024 to April 19, 2024
Hours: 97 hours synchronous and asynchronous

Themes: Health, Education, Sustainable Development, Law and Social Inclusion

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Who should join this Diploma?
Professionals and students interested in HEALTH, EDUCATION, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, LAW AND SOCIAL INCLUSION fundamental topics for individual well-being and the progress of society
What makes this Diploma special?

  • Its innovative structure that combines the dynamics of conferences with the academic rigor that a Diploma must have for its university certification.
  • The unique approach full of opportunities for your growth.
  • Interactive workshops that provide you with skills for your personal and professional development

Don't worry about distance and time!
Our Diploma is 100% online.

This means that you will be able to interact synchronously with speakers and other participants. Asynchronously, you will be able to access the conferences and their content, the discussion forums and the round tables at any time that is convenient for you.


Don't miss the opportunity to enrich your knowledge and contribute to the construction of a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Join this unique experience, forge connections, learn, act, transform.
¡Your opportunity to make a difference starts here!

General objective:

Train students and professionals interested in the topics of health, education, sustainable development, law and social inclusion, in order to provide them with solid knowledge and practical skills to address challenges and opportunities in order to promote Quality of Life.


  • Synchronous conferences by expert professionals who will analyze different topics in health, education, sustainable development, law and social inclusion
  • Asynchronous sessions dedicated to reflection and knowledge exchange with other participants.
  • Round tables with experts, for joint analysis and debate of the topics developed throughout the Diploma.
  • Interactive workshops to acquire skills and abilities in:

- The creation of healthy menus,

- The application of artificial intelligence in education

- Psychoemotional health for personal and organizational well-being


Experts on the subject share with you their knowledge and experiences towards achieving Health that leads to Quality of Life in a sustainable way.

To this end, the following are addressed: new technologies in robotic surgery, the management of emotions and stress for good mental health, the promotion of healthy habits and lifestyles for a full and active old age.

The Transformative Education necessary in these challenging times is addressed, mediated by Artificial Intelligence and other emerging technologies. In parallel, work is being done to train educators for this new era, as an unavoidable challenge to achieve just, egalitarian and inclusive societies.

In this module, our speakers analyze the importance for the quality of life of this and future generations, the transition towards the use of green energy and the new values and behaviors that societies must adopt to achieve sustainable economic development. and their quality of life.

This fourth module concludes with the study of the values, laws and functioning of a world, increasingly technological and with a new emerging social situation. The current challenges for the Quality of Life of the populations are raised, based on the premise that life is a fundamental human right, that there should be no discrimination based on gender within the framework of equity and social justice.


- Design balanced and nutritious menus
- Identify food groups, appropriate portions and food quality
- Promote healthy eating habits to contribute to a balanced lifestyle
- Share menu creation with other people


- Know the fundamental concepts of generative AI
- Recognize the potential of ChatGPT
- Identify the use of ChatGPT in work contexts
- Structure practical cases with the use of ChatGPT


- Recognize everyday situations and their corresponding psycho-emotional states
- Distinguish the personal resources you have to enhance health and well-being
- Apply a set of techniques to increase daily well-being, thereby contributing to improving the Quality of Life

Preparation of a 10 to 12 minute presentation where a proposal for Quality of Life is developed in the work, educational or community environment where the participant works.



Dr. Alexis Sánchez

Director of the Robotic Surgery Program at Orlando Health, Florida, USA. He is a Surgeon and Magister Scientiarum of the Central University of Venezuela, Specialist in General Surgery, University Hospital of Caracas. Associate Professor of the UCV Faculty of Medicine. Author of numerous publications in scientific journals. More than 500 citations in scientific publications. Presentation of videos and scientific works at national and international conferences. Guest speaker at academic events related to Minimally Invasive Surgery.

In: AlexisSanchez

SJ Dr. Arturo Peraza

Rector of the Andrés Bello Catholic University, Venezuela. He is a Jesuit priest, a lawyer graduated from UCAB and a doctor in Political Science from the Central University of Venezuela (UCV) (2008). He served as vice-rector of UCAB Guayana (2017 until March 2023). He was also rector of the Loyola-Gumilla School in Puerto Ordaz, Bolívar state. He was provincial of the Jesuits in Venezuela between 2009 and 2016. He served as director of the SIC magazine between 2007 and 2010. He has been a neighborhood trustee and advisor to the Christian community of the La Línea de Catia neighborhood, in Caracas; deacon in charge of community ministry, and vicar of the UCV parish.

Dr. Mariano Fernández Silano

Epidemiologist. Doctor in Education, Technology and EaD Mention. Associate Professor. Coordinator of the Doctorate in Public Health and Health Sciences, Head of the ICT and Education Research line of the Doctorate in Education – UCAB. Head of the Department of Distance Education of the Faculty of Medicine of the Central University of Venezuela. Editor of the Notebooks of the School of Public Health. Associate Editor of the Caracas Medical Gazette. Courtesy Guest of the National Academy of Medicine


Prof. Ali Rhouma

Professor responsible for projects at the PRIMA foundation on the nexus between water, energy, food and ecosystems. He is an Agricultural Engineer (INAT-Tunisia), European Master in Environment from the Federal Polytechnic School of Switzerland and Doctor in Agriculture (UCBL-France, INAT-Tunisia). He has more than 20 years of experience in agricultural research in Tunisia and the Mediterranean region. He has directed research and innovation projects. It has 122 publications and 4 national patents. It has also participated in European projects (FP6, FP7, H2020) aimed at strengthening the political dialogue on science and technology in the Euro-Mediterranean region. He was director of the Research Department of the Ministry of Agriculture of Tunisia.

In: alirhouma

Dr. Ángel Reyes Cañizalez

Physical anthropologist. Doctor of Sciences, University of Granada-Spain, Specialist in Data Analysis and Doctoral Student in Public Health, Central University of Venezuela. Current Director, Professor and Researcher of the School of Anthropology, Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Former Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the same University (2020-2023). Coordinator of the research line in Bioanthropology of female aging. Tutor and Advisor of more than 50 final research projects in Pre and Postgraduate. Author of more than 30 scientific articles and book chapters.


Dr. Ana Beatriz Martínez

Doctor in Education, specialist in Educational Technology and Distance Education. Full Professor (J) at the Central University of Venezuela and the Andrés Bello Catholic University. Coordinator and co-author of various publications and research works in peer-reviewed journals and books, including: Social networks: communication and education; New teaching environments. Ibero-American perspectives on educational technology; Theory and practice of virtual learning communities; Communication and Learning in cyberspace. Virtual Communities. Currently residing in Spain and is part of the Asesórate team of consultants.

Dr. Marianela Tovar

Doctor in Social Sciences from the Central University of Venezuela. Head of the History of Science and Technology Laboratory of the Center for Science Studies of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). Professor of Feminist Theory and Feminist Epistemology in the Master's Degree in Women's Studies at the Central University of Venezuela and professor of History of Sciences and Technologies I and II in the postgraduate course in Science Studies at the Center for Science Studies of the IVIC. She has been invited to give national and international conferences. Likewise, she has published various texts on feminism, gender and sexuality.

Dr. María Gracia Morais

Lawyer, Specialist in Criminal and Criminological Sciences from the Andrés Bello Catholic University and with Criminology and doctoral studies at the Complutense University of Madrid. Full Professor (J) at UCAB, she has dedicated herself to the study and defense of the rights of Children and Adolescents, having outstanding work as a consultant for several international organizations specialized in the area such as: UNICEF, Save the Children, Plan International, World Vision, Defense for Children International – DNI. Author of numerous investigations, scientific articles and publications, the most recent being a Study on Children's Law and Criminal Essays. He belongs to the Asesórate team of consultants.

Psych. Auxi Scarano

Clinical Psychologist, Industrial Psychologist and Psychoanalyst. Graduated from the Central University of Venezuela and the University Hospital of Caracas. Psychoanalyst of Asovep and member of IPA, FEPAL and AVEPSI. She was Head of the Education Department of the La Trinidad Medical Teaching Center. Competency-Based Health Education Methodology. Addressing the emotional aspects of medical practice. Training of Hospital Medical Care Teachers and Residents. Member of the PPP Advisory Council on Health Education of the Simón Bolívar University. Author of the book Psychoanalysis in Venezuela. Residing in Spain, she offers private psychotherapy and psychoanalysis consultation; organizational advisory services and Emotional Support services to leaders and employees.


MSc. Leonel Alfonso Ferrer

Master in Constitutional Law (UCAB) Specializations in Public Policies and Electoral Systems and Processes. PhD candidate in Social Sciences. (UCV). CEO of the Ferrer & Esté Consultores Desk. Head of the Legal Department of the School of International Studies and Coordinator of the Specialization in Government and Politics. Undergraduate and Postgraduate Professor of Human Rights, Central University of Venezuela. Speaker on Human Rights at various international events. Specialist and Researcher in this area.


Dr. Ibtissem Taghouti

She is a researcher at the Center for Agri-Food Economics and Development (CREDA) and associate professor at the Barcelona School of Agri-Food Engineering and Biosystems (EEABB) of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC). Doctor in Agri-Food Economics, Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Master of Science in Agri-Food Marketing from the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM-Spain). His research interests have focused on the impact of non-tariff measures and food safety regulations on agri-food trade in the Mediterranean area. He also has extensive experience in environmental and natural resource economics; exploring livelihood strategies adopted by smallholders and rural development; also in adoption and impact evaluation of improved technologies in agricultural and livestock production systems.



MSc. Gisela Blanco Gomez

Psychologist and Occupational Therapist with a Master's Degree in Psychology from the Simón Bolívar University. Doctoral studies in Public Health. He has trained in Occupational Psychology in various countries. Professor and researcher at the Central University of Venezuela. Consultant in Occupational Psychology. Training facilitator in: stress management, emotions and health, communication, states of well-being, among others. He has participated in the training of human resources for the area of Occupational Psychology in various institutions in Latin America. Speaker at international conferences with publications in scientific journals. Co-author of the Book Psychosocial Workplace Factors. Co-creator of the podcast: The Safety and Health at Work movement: Making the invisible visible. He belongs to the Asesórate team of consultants.


Dr. Antonio Silva Sprock

Systems Engineer. MSc in Knowledge Engineering, Ph.D. in Management Sciences, Post Doctor in Educational Technologies and Doctor Honoris Causa from the Fundación Universidad Hispana del Perú. University professor with more than 25 years of experience, head of the Information System Research Center of the Faculty of Sciences, Central University of Venezuela. Author of numerous scientific articles, book chapters, articles published in peer-reviewed journals; tutor for special undergraduate, master's and doctoral projects. Editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, He has participated in international projects for Latin America and the European Union. He is also a historian, commercial speaker and member of the Asesórate team of consultants.


Dr. Haidar Moukdad

Luis Razetti School of Medicine (UCV). Coordinator of the MAYÚ I project, (medical-dental) in rural communities in Venezuela. University studies in General Medicine – UCV. COVID-19 training for health workers, Stanford, and John Hopkins University.



Includes the Certification of the Andrés Bello Catholic University (CIAP-UCAB)

Payment Methods

We offer two payment methods:

  • International bank transfer
  • Zelle


When you complete the registration form, you will receive the information so you can make the payment and be registered as a participant.


International Professional Update Center
Andres Bello Catholic University
CIAP (UCAB). Venezuela