Quality of life and human rights

It is not possible to talk about the quality of life that one has, individually or as a group, if one does not enjoy respect for the rights and guarantees that correspond to every person due to the simple fact that they are natural rights, that is, that by their nature they correspond to to every individual that belongs to the human species.

The right to life, the right to health, the right to education, the right to citizen security and legal certainty, the right to free development of personality, the right to equality before the law, the right to freedom of expression, free information or living in democracy, are emblematic examples of issues in which the existence of quality of life cannot be affirmed where these are violated.

Quality of life is a term that designates the conditions in which a person lives with the sole objective of seeking or obtaining comprehensive satisfaction. In order to obtain quality of life, basic needs and opportunities must be maintained in our place of settlement and in our social environment. These basic needs range, as we have said before, from nutrition and housing to personal security.

This topic of interest and current affairs dealt with by our consultant, Dr. Leonel Ferrer, is part of the line of # research carried out by #Asesórate